Letter From Ken > 봉사 (Aidez-nous)

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봉사 (Aidez-nous)

Letter From Ken

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작성자 Admin
댓글 0건 조회 25,187회 작성일 15-03-19 20:49


I am writing to thank all of you at KKOTTONGNAE Haiti for your hospitality. I hope all is going well with you and the wonderful staff of the mission. You asked me one morning for my thoughts and impressions of my visit. I could not answer because I knew my feeling were deeper than normal. I could have given a quick answer:   You are wonderful people (And you are)! You are all doing such a great job (and you are)! Your group spirit and dedication is remarkable (it is). I could have said all those things and a lot more but it would not have explained how I really felt. I was literally moved down deep in my spirit. I knew I was in a special place with a group of extraordinary people of God. It was a shining moment that I will never forget.   Thank you for the drawing of the staff (except for Br. John whom I don’t know when I look at the picture I remember the person. Although you are all different you all had such great qualities and most important lots of love and joy it beamed from your faces attitudes.   I knew I was not worthy to be among you but the Lord wanted me to see and experience your mission so I was very comfortable I hope to come back some day (Lord- willing)  God Bless to all  Ken


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  • Rte Nationale #3, Beudet-Meyer, Croix des Bouquets, Haiti
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